Thursday, April 29, 2010


I finished the portfolio essay and I must say that it is well written. As I was writing that essay, as a requirement for the portfolio, this research journal was needed to be included. I counted back and I only had 11 entries where the requirement was 30!!! I need to get hopping. While looking for the assignment sheet for this research journal, I could not find it. So I went online to the class documents and links, or whatever, and found a copy there. As I read through it, the damn prompts were added to the assignment sheet online. I was looking for those prompts and figured that the instructor never put them on. Following entries will be a back step to follow those prompts…

Thursday, April 22, 2010


I finished the final revision of the documented argument essay and it feels real good to get that load off my shoulders. I tried to follow Dr. Lorde’s suggestions, comments, and corrections as well as I could have. One thing that I did do which I mentioned in my previous entry, was to cut a lot of the information out. I knew that I was babbling and rambling on and on to build the info (and space), but now I took some time to cut the fat. I kept the parts which pertained to my revised thesis where I stated that transsexuals should retain the right to pro-create.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Reflecting back to the actual writing, or typing, of the draft of the research paper, I decided that I will document as much information I need to fill the minimum required of 2500 words. To my surprise, I surpassed the minimum and went over the maximum of 3000 by about 500 words. My devious plan worked out getting all the info onto paper as a draft and now I just have to construct it into a masterpiece. I figured that reading the info first and putting it down on paper would be easier than going back and looking for more info. This way, I would only have to deduct and restructure instead of building up from what I had.