Thursday, February 25, 2010


I found absolutely nothing using this database. With a substantial amount of hits using Google to search “initiation”, I was expecting at least more than enough hits regarding my search. After trying my first search for any hits regarding “initiation”, I tried the other key topics, or words that pertained, and listed in question number 3, to my research question. Nothing.

According to the directions of the Library exercise, we were search “terms” in the database. I took “terms” as a one-word search for each of my topics. So I individually searched for “freemason”, “initiation”, “goats”, and “myths”. I think I’m going to check out how the other searched for their topics.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


As I recall, there was something mentioned in class about gay people if they were born with that "lifestyle" or became that way. (I'm really trying to put those words in a manner that will not offend anyone.) This was a coincidence because for some reason or another, this was a topic of conversation I had between some peers in the not-so-distant past. I honestly forgot how the topic was brought up, which was during some imbibing, but recollect that it was due to the fact that I thought of my uncle, when mentioned, who happens to be a transsexual. The conversation continued to a psychological path: are gays the way they are because of nature or nurture?

Can this be my tentative back up for my research paper?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I feel the pressure coming down on my shoulders regarding this damn research topic. I know I have a strong interest in Freemasonry, which would help ease the load of having to do research. Ironically, there was some discussion in today’s class about some Freemason-related topics. English composition suddenly became a U.S. history class discussing originations of the card catalog and the invention of the library. Thomas Jefferson is known to have developed the card catalog and Benjamin Franklin is known to have started the first library. A question was posed in class if anyone knew who started the first library but no one responded, although I did know the answer. Franklin is one of the most prominent U.S. Freemasons next to George Washington. The movie National Treasure was fictionally based loosely on Franklin’s involvement with the Freemasons, which was also brought up in class. This reminded me of The Lost Symbol which had several references to Franklin’s involvement. I think I will read the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, which was also mentioned.

I just had an epiphany: How do the Freemasons affect/impact today’s world?